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StringBuilder is not always faster – Part 1 of 2

How often have you been told to use StringBuilder to concatenate strings in .NET? My guess is often enough. Here is something you may not know about string concatenation: StringBuilder is not always faster. There are already many articles out there that explain the why’s, I am not going to do that here. But I do have some test data for you.

When concatenating three values or less, traditional concatenation is faster (by a very small margin)

This block of code took 1484 milliseconds to run on my PC:

for (int i = 0; i <= 1000000; i++) 
    // Concat strings 3 times using StringBuilder 
    StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); 

And this one, using traditional concatenation, took slightly less time (1344 milliseconds):

for (int i = 0; i <= 1000000; i++) 
    // Concat strings 3 times using traditional concatenation 
    string s = i.ToString(); 
    s = s + i.ToString(); 
    s = s + i.ToString(); 

The above data suggests that StringBuilder only starts to work faster once the number of concatenations exceed 3.

Building strings from literals

When building a large string from several string literals (such as building a SQL block, or a client side javascript block), use neither traditional concatenation nor StringBuilder. Instead, choose one of the methods below:

+ operator

// Build script block 
string s = "<script>" 
       + "function test() {" 
       + "  alert('this is a test');" 
       + "  return 0;" 
       + "}";

The compiler concatenates that at compile time. At run-time, that works as fast as a big string literal.

@ string literal

I sometimes use the @ string literal which allows for newlines (I find this syntax is harder to maintain, formatting-wise, than using the + operator):

string s = @"<script> 
        function test() { 
        alert('this is a test'); 
        return 0; 

Both methods above run about 40 times faster than using StringBuilder or traditional string concatenation.

Rules of Thumb

  • When concatenating three dynamic string values or less, use traditional string concatenation.
  • When concatenating more than three dynamic string values, use StringBuilder.
  • When building a big string from several string literals, use either the @ string literal or the inline + operator.

Updated 2007-09-29

I have posted a follow-up article to provide more detailed analysis and to answer some of the questions asked by readers.

Stop Your .NET Managed Memory from Taking a Leak

It’s been a while since my last post… I have been very busy with wrapping the latest development project at work and I also took a 3-week long vacation to Vietnam in December! That was nice. I am still having post-vacation depression syndrome. When I have more time I will write more about the trip to Vietnam and maybe post some pictures.

Anyway, this post is about .NET memory leaks. If you suspect a memory leak in your .NET managed code, I recommend downloading a tool called .NET Memory Profiler. In my last project, we had a huge managed memory leak in our app due to the incorrect use of static events. This tool was a life saver because it helped us track down the memory leak.

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