To list available contexts: kubectl config get-contexts To show the current context: kubectl config current-context…
Google Co-op
Google Co-op allows you to create customized search engines to fit your search interests. .NET developers, you may want to give the following pre-customized search engines a try:
For me, Co-op is a good idea but for now I will stick with just regular Google, at least for .NET related searches. I gave a try and was initially underwhelmed my the number of matches. For example, searching for “EntryAssembly” using the DotNetSearch engine above yielded two pages of matches. Regular Google returns 387 pages.
Ah, but that’s exactly the point! You can always go to Google for quantity, the question is quality. The two or three pages you get on SearchDotNet include MSDN entries, some great entries from the .NET security blog (a dev blog), and some forum entries. There are also few (if any) duplicate entries.
On the full search you have 300 pages that includes Java info, Delphi, A bunch of irrelevant sample code and plenty of duplicates.
SearchDotNet isn’t intended to replace the full Google search. It’s intended to offer an effective “initial search” capability to give you fast access to the information that is most likely to be what you’re looking for. Then, if you need more, you can always use the main Google search.
It’s Dan Appleman of Desaware and SpyWorks! I believe I saw you in person once in VBITS Orlando (1996).
Yes, I do agree with you about the quality vs quantity equation. I sometimes do use SearchDotNet as an initial search, and turning over to Google if I couldn’t find the info I need and need to dig deeper.
One thing I’d like to see is for Co-op to allow for the inclusion of newsgroups. That would really be nice. If I can’t find the info I am after in regular Google, Advanced Google Groups search (for messages in microsoft.public.dotnet*) is usually my next search.