To list available contexts: kubectl config get-contexts To show the current context: kubectl config current-context…
Finds of the Week – February 17, 2008
- For Resharper users: Goto Type supports title caps and wildcards. Joe White wrote about it here.
- Paulo Reichert provided a good tutorial on how to implement your own configuration sections using .NET 2.0’s ConfigurationElement/ConfigurationElementCollection/ConfigurationSection.
- There is a Richmond Geek Dinner this coming Tuesday. Organized by Justin Etheredge.
- You can now download .NET source code without using the debugger. Via Marguee de Sells.
- Mark Gregory Turansky explained why "Code complete" does not mean "done".
- Scott Hanselman put together another one of his very useful lists… this time it’s a list of Visual Studio themes.
- Don’t miss Kyle Beyer’s Top 10 Best Practices for Production ASP.NET Applications.
- How to Achieve Operational Overloading in WCF. Dinesh Tawar.
- Roy Osherove proposed that someone comes up with unified API for testing and mock framworks like ADO.NET for database access. Hmm Microsoft and Scott Guthrie, are you listening?
- Building WCF Services for Deployment in Transiently Connected Networks. By Rick Garibay.
Software and Tools
- Looking for a free sharepoint host? You can get a free sharepoint account with 5MB disk space, 5 users from Frontpages Web Hosting Network. Link is here.
- The HD format war is over. I am waiting for Blu-ray players go go down to the $150 range before I’ll get one.
And Now, Something A Little Different
- If you are the type who crack sarcastic jokes a lot: you may want to read this.
- I predict that this prediction on machine intelligence will be way off the mark.
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