To list available contexts: kubectl config get-contexts To show the current context: kubectl config current-context…
Automating Maven with PowerShell
I found out the hard way that mvn (Maven) on Windows always return a success code of true, which means you cannot use the return code ($?) to check whether the mvn command succeeded or failed. Why they decided to break this seemingly basic program contract is a mystery. A work-around is to scan the mvn output and look for specific strings such as “BUILD SUCCESSFUL”.
Here’s how:
function InvokeAndCheckStdOut($cmd, $successString, $failString) {
Write-Host "====> InvokeAndCheckStdOut"
$fullCmd = "$cmd|Tee-Object -variable result"
Invoke-Expression $fullCmd
$found = $false
$success = $false
foreach ($line in $result) {
if ($line -match $failString) {
$found = $true
$success = $false
else {
if ($line -match $successString) {
$found = $true
$success = $true
#"[InvokeAndCheckStdOut] FOUND MATCH: $line"
else {
#"[InvokeAndCheckStdOut] $line"
if (! $success) {
PlayWav "${env:windir}\Media\ding.wav"
throw "Mvn command failed."
Write-Host "InvokeAndCheckStdOut <===="
function InvokeMvn($cmd) {
InvokeMvn "mvn clean install"
[…] Automating Maven with PowerShell […]