A while back I wrote about sending data from SmartThings and other home devices data…
How to get free 2 GB of data on each line for Life on Verizon Wireless for about $40
Verizon Wireless is running a promo until 1/6/2016, that will give you 2 GB of free data for life if you are on an XL plan or larger, and you upgrade an existing device or add a new device.
Here’s how to you can take advantage of this promo and add the 2 GB of bonus data per line for life by spending about $50, even if you don’t have an upgrade available. To me, $40 for 2 GB of data per month for life is more than worth it.
Here’s how:
- “Upgrade” your device to the cheapest smartphone available. Right now for me it would be the Droid Mini. The full price is $108.
- If you are ordering online, make sure the confirmation page says you are getting 2 GB data bonus. If via a Verizon rep, confirm with her/him.
- Activate the new Droid Mini.
- Wait a day or two, and reactive your original phone, and sell the Droid Mini on eBay or the marketplace of your choice. You should get about $90 for it.
- Total cost to you, excluding shipping, etc is about $40.
Disclaimer: while I believe this to work based on my own experience and available information. I cannot warranty that this will work for you.
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