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Interesting Finds – August 27, 2008

If you are a subscriber to my blog, you may have noticed that I have not been posting my more “Finds of the Week” in the last 2 months. Well, I was a little busy with the month-long Euro 2008 tournament in June, plus a couple of new games (Crysis and Medieval Total War II). Finally the Olympics in August finished me off.

I am going to turn this series into a periodic (as in longer than weekly :-)) Interesting Finds series from now on.

Oh, if you want to know… Crysis is ok. Very good graphics and requires a hot rod box but gameplay is just ok. I am more into realistic squad-based shooters. Medieval 2 is very addictive.

.NET, C#

Programming, General


  • I am finding more and more things I can do with PowerShell everyday. The other day I had to “touch” a file… two lines is what it takes:

    PS C:\Users\Cdo\AppData\Local\Temp> $f = ls testFile.txt
    PS C:\Users\Cdo\AppData\Local\Temp> $f.LastWriteTime = new-object System.DateTime 2007,12,31
    PS C:\Users\Cdo\AppData\Local\Temp> ls testFile.txt
        Directory: Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::C:\Users\Cdo\AppData\Local\Temp
    Mode                LastWriteTime     Length Name
    ----                -------------     ------ ----
    -a---        12/31/2007  12:00 AM          8 testFile.txt
    PS C:\Users\Cdo\AppData\Local\Temp>

Something Different

Finds of the Week – March 30, 2008




Finds of the Week – March 2, 2008



.NET Tips & Tricks

  • Did you know you can give threads any names you want (MSDN)? The names are extremely useful when it comes to debugging time:

    Thread names and debugging

  • System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory will create all directories and subdirectories as specified by the path parameter. No need to write code to create each directory in the chain. Just do this:
  • System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName returns the directory name from a fully qualified file name.


  • Round-robin game scheduling algorithm in Powershell. By Scott Hanselman. Check out my C# 2.0 algorithm in the comments section.
  • Mitch Denny wrote How To: Host the PowerShell Runtime.
  • Use Powershell array expression syntax @(…) allows you to force a scalar return value to be wrapped in a array, if it’s not already in an array. I learned about this the hard way while trying to figure out while Get-Childitem sometimes returns an array and sometimes a scalar. Bruce Payette wrote more about it here.

Windows Mobile / Pocket PC

  • I needed a way to stream music and other media to my Windows Mobile phone (Samsung SCH-i760) and all the PCs around the house. Orb seems to be the answer. I’ve only had it running for a few days but it seems to be working great. I can stream music and photos (have not tested videos yet) to any PC in the house or anywhere on the net. I can also listen to my entire music library on my i760 phone anytime, anywhere through Verizon Wireless’s unlimited (with a catch… not to exceed 5GB) EDVO connection.

    Orb Mycast

  • I am a Google Mobile guy, but Yahoo! Go for Windows Mobile also looks very cool. I downloaded it to my Samsung SCH-i760 a few days ago. I am still checking it out but here are a few things I like:
    • Nice and responsive interface.
    • Built-in RSS Reader.
    • Street and satellite maps.

      Here are a few screenshots:

      Yahoo! Go

      Yahoo! Go

      Yahoo! Go Weather 

Software and Tools

  • You can configure Notepad++ to always use spaces for tabs/indentation. The option is a little hidden. It’s in Settings/Preferences/MISC, under Tab Setting:

    Notepad++ tab to spaces setting

Something a Little Different

Finds of the Week – January 27, 2008

.NET Programming, C#


Software and Tools

Windows Mobile / Pocket PC

Something Different

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