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Watch Live TV on Your Windows Mobile Phone/Pocket PC

Being a news junky that I am, I love being able to listen to the news while driving around, or even while at the beach. I have found that my Samsung i730 Windows Mobile phone, in conjunction with the unlimited EDVO data plan from Verizon Wireless, let me watch the news in glorious color, virtually anywhere. Yes, there is just something neat about being able to watch BBC World News while sitting alone on a empty beach at night. Perhaps it’s the combination of being far away from civilization, yet at the same time connected to the world.

BBC News

iPhone owners, sorry… no streaming videos for you. But you’re probably too busy looking at the phone itself, admiring its beauty, to have time for anything else anyway.

(Oops, my iPhone envy is showing.)

Below are my favorite video streams for your enjoyment (updated Jan 18, 2008).



  • Weather+ – US and Canada weather forecasts).

For more channels, go to:

I only tested the above links on my i730, they should work for other Windows Mobile devices such as Verizon XV6700, or the new MOTO Q 9m.

WARNING – After further research, I found that Verizon’s EVDO policy officially prohibits video streaming, so there is a chance that if you use too much bandwidth, they may decide to terminate your account. So, use video streaming at your own risk! The limit seems to be about 10GB. You can monitor your data usage by logging into the Verizon Wireless’ My Account service. There is apparently also a way to monitor your data usage with a Verizon software application called VZAccess Manager.

Update 10/25/2007

Verizon has just settled with New York regard its practice of terminating users who exceeds “unlimited” bandwidth.

Update 1/7/2009

Refreshed links. Fixed link to Streaming PDA.

I occasionally blog about programming (.NET, Node.js, Java, PowerShell, React, Angular, JavaScript, etc), gadgets, etc. Follow me on Twitter for tips on those same topics. You can also find me on GitHub.

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This Post Has 13 Comments

  1. I’ve been using streaming video on my device on an average of 30 minutes a day in the past two weeks and I only used up 0.2GB of data… I think that you would have to really be using your connection to be in danger of being disconnected by Verizon.

  2. Wow this is pretty cool! I have a Verizon unlimited data plan for my Treo 700w and I was wondering where I could get some footage of the Iowa Primaries when I was stuck in the Salt Lake City airport a couple of days ago. Thanks for the links!

  3. streamingpda has been changed to just in case any one runns into a road block, if anyone finds some other links to watch tv or stuff like that let us know, for windows mobile, also you can download’s phone program for mobile windows. its a great gadget, i love it. pulls media from everywhere online and formats it to your windowmobile, wallstreet news, reuters, you tube, guba, and all that good stuff

    have fun

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