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Finding developers who recently made changes to a component with git
A few git commands to list the developers with recent commits in a specific folder. I find that this is a good/quick way to find out who you need to talk to if you have questions about a specific code component or feature.
chinhdo@ubuntu2:~/v/tmp/converted2$ git shortlog -sn
10 Chinh Do
6 cdo
5 Vas Gábor
Use git log and –pretty to show more columns:
$ git log --after='2020-01-01' --no-merges --abbrev-commit --pretty="format: %h (%an - %cr) - %s" -- .
13495c64f7 (Joey Perrott - 3 days ago) - docs(dev-infra): update triage and contributing docs for dev-infra (#35995)
3f88de9407 (George Kalpakas - 9 days ago) - build: move build scripts to dedicated directory (#35780)
2e728f7fff (George Kalpakas - 9 days ago) - docs: remove `ivy` and mention `ve` label in docs (#35809)
5615928df9 (Paul Gschwendtner - 10 days ago) - build: no longer run tslint from within gulp task (#35800)
List recent authors sorted by number of commits:
$ git log --after='2019-06-01' --no-merges -- . | grep Author: | sort | uniq -c | sort -bgr
9 Author: George Kalpakas
7 Author: Joey Perrott
3 Author: Paul Gschwendtner
2 Author: Michael Prentice
2 Author: Judy Bogart
See also