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.NET Transactional File Manager Migrated to GitHub
I have migrated the .NET Transactional File Manager project to GitHub from CodePlex. The library is also available as a Nuget Package. I originally wrote about it in this blog post.
The library allows you do enlist file I/O operations in transactions using System.Transactions. For example you can wrap a SQL Server insert and creation of a new file on disk in the same transaction, and commit or rollback the two operations together as a unit.
Example code:
// Wrap a file copy and a database insert in the same transaction
TxFileManager fileMgr = new TxFileManager();
using (TransactionScope scope1 = new TransactionScope())
// Copy a file
fileMgr.CopyFile(srcFileName, destFileName);
// Insert a database record
This library is available as a NuGet package.
dotnet add package TxFileManager
Version 1.4 is now available with the following changes/fixes:
- Convert to xUnit tests
- Add support for custom temp paths to address issues with file/dir operations accross filesystems
- Fix for resource leak in TxFileManager._txEnlistment
- Target .NET Standard 2.0
- Additional testing for .NET Core on Ubuntu
- Additional stress testing both on Windows and Ubuntu
- Created Github workflow to automatically build/test on ubuntu
- Added FxCop static analysis
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